The Brookeh Effect
Welcome to the Brookeh Effect.​
​My name is Brooke and welcome to my page. This is something that has been in the works for a while and even on my "bucket list". It is 2013 and high time I started to move forward and accomplish some of my goals.
I enjoy all things electronic and some things that aren't. My hobbies are photography, cooking, traveling, and name a few; but I also enjoy trying new things and prefer not to limit myself, if I can help it.
Join me on this current adventure of self discovery and also while I look back upon my older ones. I hope that this website shows the beauty of the world through what I like to think of as The Brookeh Effect. I have no particular style which is why I made up the term. I try to capture moments from a different perspective, but at the same time I like to shoot what I see and how I see it.
There is beauty in everything, you just need to take time to look and find it. Allow me to help show you by taking the time to take "ordinary" pictures and showing you an extraordinary moment. Some of my pictures may be extremely edited, slightly edited, or not edited at all; it really depends on how that moment spoke to me.
I will share pictures that I have taken of persons, places, things and also share what others have taken of me. Get to know me and my unique style through all these photos, but more importantly get to know the world and learn to see the beauty in everything. Yes, everything!